Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Bar Hunt Tour Recap

i promised myself i would do this because we had so many amazing back to back nights. i know people typically do this sort of thing as it's happening, but you're gonna have to rely on my fantastic retention to enjoy the experience. fortunately, i was on the wagon for the better part of this tour so i managed to keep it all well contained. we'll do this a few days at a time so i can give some detail and pics. here goes...

it's like my first landlord.
ugly and.. 

it comes with heaps of bullshit complication. and the bars are expensive. anyone who's ever read any of my blog posts probably knows i hate flying. it's a terrible thing to hate something so much that you need to do in order to survive. typically i treat this unfortunate mixture of circumstance with alcohol. i used to drink Guinness after Guinness at the airport bar but i was annoying the shit out of the people sitting next to me with my boy-like bladder. i'd since switched to whiskey when someone told me that your doctor, provided he's not a total douche bag or a mormon, will write you an anti-anxiety prescription if you hate flying like i do. that person was right! this is the part where i get dum-b. firstly, i don't trust that this little pill is going to fix this particular problem and secondly, i don't know how long it will take to start working so i figure i should grease the rails a little. 


i'm still here so you know i didn't drink too much, but just in case you were thinking that i don't know what a bad idea this is... i know. a double dewars neat and a sam adams to wash down my valium and i'm on the plane in high spirits. dude, i've never had such a relaxing and uneventful flight in my life. i scarfed down some indian food (thankfully, that's what they give you now when you request a veggie meal, and it's not bad!) and completely passed out. when i woke up, i could see DirecTV dishes on suburban rooftops through the thinning clouds. mission accomplished. i've yet to find a way around the whole arriving hung over and mangled thing cause the valium produced a very similar effect. no biggie. i've got years of experience operating at 60% capacity. 


my dear friends type and midnite of the let go pick me up at the airport. we head immediately off to a local watering hole where one of my favorite human beings, Murder Dice, is pretending to work. it was a cute, tucked away little hipster bar. i lost count after the 5th or 6th Guiness but the next day, which was to be the first performance date of The Bar Hunt tour i felt a new kind of shitty. enough so that bar hunting would have been last on my list of things to do. i Pho'ed it up with Type and still had the cloud looming over me. by the way, if you're not Vietnamese or adventurous enough to have found your way into a big bowl of Pho (pronounced "fuh", like "what the fu..."), then you're missing all the good things in life. 


soundcheck at High Dive in the Fremont area of Seattle. i haven't even played a show and i'm already hoarse. serves me right for spending my pre-game rest boozing until the sun came up. alright. until the clouds came up. actually, as i recall it was uncharacteristically sunny for the first day of the Bar Hunt tour. of course the clouds did turn out for the show but happily so did a nice little chunk of the Seattle hip hop crowd. no thanks to Mel, who hasn't written, called or booked me since 06. for the record, i've had 2 successful Let Go co-billed shows filled with lyric quoting fans since the barstaff bonanza you threw me. i know you're the promotional toast of the town there so im a little hurt that you've neglected your old friend louis. i mean after all, i pet your little min pin and let him flirt with my darling Chihuahua daughter, Astra! 


High Dive was a fantastic kick off complete with good openers, good attendance and a boozed up birthday girl who was immortalized hypeman-ing my set by Griff J. thanks, Griff. you're the goods! i took the night off from drinking to preserve my voice and inadvertently started what would become a nightly tradition... or would it? i'll leave you with that cliffhanger. come see me tomorrow for the next day of Bar Hunt silliness. thanks for reading. xo, louis 


  1. thanks for the recap! type posted some really extensive recaps, so now we can compare the two and see who is the bigger storyteller. ha, just kidding. but yeah, looking forward to the other posts!!

  2. Yeah, fast-acting anti-anxiety meds don't do me so well the next day. Wifey won't let me take ativan anymore, she says I'm a dick the next day. I ride the mood swingset the day after any meds like that!
